For most of the first 49 years of his existence, James Moore has lived a technical and analytical life. Born in Brooklyn, New York he excelled at science and mathematics in grade school. Later, he earned a degree in Chemical Engineering from North Carolina State University. Then he worked as an Industrial Engineer as a commissioned U.S. Air Force officer.
This entire time however there has been a creative storyteller side to his personality waiting in the wings, waiting for an opportunity, the right moment.
That moment came seven years ago in 2014 when he decided to write a novella. The experience was more than he bargained for. The process of outlining, writing, re-writing, and re-writing over and over was beautifully excruciating. One might have thought he would give it up but it’s too late. The storyteller is on stage and will not go back.
In the past seven years, he’s written two novellas, two feature-length screenplays, and dozens of short film scripts and short stories. James Moore now lives in Virginia Beach, Virginia with Donna, his wife of 30 years. As an IT technician, James still does technical work but labors for the day when he can make his living as a writer.